35,00 € /OrangeBlackIvoireMarinePruneFuchsiaTaupeBleuRouge FoncéJauneChocolatTanFraiseÉcorceNatural New9Available in 14 colors
35,00 € /FuchsiaIvoireNoirOrangeMarinePruneTaupeBleuRouge foncéJauneChocolatTanFraiseÉcorceNatural New10Available in 15 colors
45,00 € /Jaune/MulticoloreRouge/MulticoloreNoir/MulticoloreFuchsia/MulticoloreBleu/MulticoloreAvailable in 5 colors
Iconic25,00 € /CarmineBlackParmaGoldenLight grayOrangePlumCoralMoneyLavender blueDesertFir treeBiscuitDark redCaramel3Available in 8 colors
39,00 € /FuchsiaNoirRougeOrangeVertCarminBleuJaune1Available in 6 colors
25,00 € /IvoryNoirBeigeRougeGris clairOrangeBordeauxMarron foncéMarineFuchsiaTaupeBleuRouge foncéCognacCaramelTanChocolatFraiseJaunePruneÉcorceNatural New10Available in 15 colors
25,00 € /ChocolateNoirRougeOrangeBordeauxMarron foncéMarineFuchsiaTaupeBleuRouge foncéCognacCaramelTanJauneFraisePruneIvoireÉcorceNatural New10Available in 15 colors
25,00 € /YELLOWNoirMarron foncéMarineFuchsiaTaupeBleuRouge foncéCognacCaramelTanFraiseChocolatPruneOrangeIvoireÉcorceNatural New10Available in 15 colors
29,00 € /TaupeNoirRougeMarron foncéMarineFuchsiaBleuRouge foncéCognacCaramelTanOrangePruneJauneFraiseChocolatIvoireÉcorce4Available in 9 colors
Why get a wallet?
At the time ofconvertible leather goods, multifunctional bags andwalletsas dense as aevening clutch, it is sometimes good to go back to easy-to-use basics. In this sense, thewalletis a classic of small leather goods that is not ready to disappear. Thanks to its small size, it can be easily carried at any time of the day, unlike larger wallets and travel companions. Discreet, it will house your coins and notes during your shopping and other trips. No need to carry your entire wallet when you just need to bring the essentials! A delicate leather goods accessory, the purse can become a real fashion object: designs, shapes, colors, materials, finishes, details... Everything is now considered to create models that are as beautiful as they are practical. In lambskin, cowhide, or synthetic material, it comes in square, rectangular or round format, and can sometimes even accommodate credit cards, identity cards and driving licenses. There are simple versions with a single compartment, and more elaborate models with a main space and another zipped one to keep your belongings as secure as possible.
Our advice: if you want optimal protection for your bank cards, opt for a wallet equipped with Stop RFID technology blocking the transmission of waves and the theft of data.
Focus on our favorite line: Coconuts
A name that makes you want to travel, original lambskin, vintage shapes: theCoconuts lineis undoubtedly our favorite. Only available as a purse, its three models are similar in design but are distinguished by their depth. The 2 largest versions have 2 wallet clasps that can accommodate coins and notes, and a flat pocket at the bottom of the accessory. Practical ! The smallest model only has one compartment but will win you over with its elegant charm. We love: the variety of colors (6 colors available), bright and full of pep!